2020 swept through the world of Lutheran camping like a Cat-5 hurricane! Imagine losing 50%, 80%, 95% of the income that is the lifeblood for camps and missing the chance to share Jesus’ love with thousands of kids and their families. It may not look like New Orleans after Katrina, but the devastation is just as real.
Like after any natural disaster, those affected rely on the generosity of strangers showing up in time of need. Our Lutheran camps across the country need you now. The National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association is putting out the call. This time you won’t need your go bag or travel to the disaster zone. This is a financial disaster with lasting spiritual consequences. Your contribution will see that none of our camps are lost to COVID-19 and that what continues to spread is the love of Jesus. Thank you for making your most generous contribution today.
Our Mission
Not a single Lutheran camp lost to COVID-19
Our Goal
Raise $1,000,000 for emergency grant funding to camps in crisis
Our Process
National Lutheran Outdoors Ministry Association has established a designated fund to receive all contributions for Weathering The Storm. Camps can request grants to cover financial losses specifically related to COVID-19 and money will be granted until the fund is exhausted, or all grant requests have been fulfilled. In the event funds remain, NLOMA will maintain the account for future emergencies faced by Lutheran camps.
Forward. Together.
The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.
Nahum 1:7
Lord God All-Powerful, who is like you? Mighty Lord, even your faithfulness surrounds you. You rule the raging sea and calm the stormy waves.
Psalm 89:8-9
Spread the Word
Add Your Donation
What if I’ve already donated to my camp of choice?
We encourage everyone to generously support their local camp or the camp of their childhood. However, not every Lutheran camp has enough donors to carry them through this unique crisis. NLOMA is committed to helping all camps. If you love camping and Lutheran camps in particular, a gift to this effort will see that all camps weather this storm. There is also the option to split your gift and designate a portion specifically for your camp or designate 100% of your gift for your camp.
How can I help spread the word?
You’re welcome to share this site on social media. We can make all the pictures and video available to share. It would be a great boost if you’d like to spread the word and join in helping our Lutheran camps Weather The Storm. Use this frame for your Facebook profile pic.
What if a camp’s struggle isn’t related to COVID-19?
We know there are Lutheran camps that were going through hard times prior to this disaster. The fund cannot be used to repair financial damage unrelated to COVID-19. Grant applications must include evidence that the funds requested specifically cover pandemic related losses.
Which camps are eligible for Weathering The Storm grants?
This is a NLOMA initiative in support of NLOMA member camps. There are twenty-seven camps represented by NLOMA members. Any of these camps can apply for a Weathering The Storm grant.
If I split my contribution and designate a portion for my camp, can they still apply for a grant?
Yes. All NLOMA camps are eligible to apply for a grant. Your designated amount may be considered when determining how much grant money to award.
If I designate a portion to my camp, will they need to apply to receive it?
No. All contributions designated for a specific camp will be disbursed to that camp without filing a grant application.
How much of my contribution goes to help our camps?
100% of donations go to support the camps. All the time and expense of creating this initiative, from web design to creative to promotion, has been donated. The only expense is the service fee charged for contributions made by credit card.
Can I donate by check?
Yes, if you would like to donate by check, make your check payable to NLOMA, indicate the donation is for lutheran.camp grants and mail to:
Attn: Bob LaCroix
22750 Lind Ave
Waterville, MN 56096
Is my donation tax-deductible?
NLOMA is a registered 501(c)3 charity and does provide a receipt for tax deductibility purposes. Consult your tax advisor for details.